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Вера. Люди. История

Главная » Статьи » Православные приходы » Свято-Иоанно-Богословский приход г.п. Старобин

The first orthodox church in Starobin was built in the second half of the XVII century. There were two churches in the XVIII century. In 1876 one of the churches was removed to Podbrody and the other one was demolished because of its decay.

In 1859 with the blessing of Archiepiscope of Minsk and Bobruisk Mikhail and due to Prince Wittgenstein’s donations a new church in honour of Saint Nicolas Wonderworker was built. It was designed in a shape of a cross and had a dome of blue colour.

The priest was a teacher in the parish schools of the congregation which was made up of 2,000 parishioners.

In 1890 the church burned down. In 1900 a new church was constructed due to the charitable endowments of the faithful. In 1901 there were 3,000 parishioners; the congregation was made up of the settlement of Starobin, 6 villages and 5 outposts.

In 1917 Priest Mikhail Savitskiy who was born in 1869 led the congregation. On August 5, 1937 he was arrested for his services on request.  On September17, 1937 he was executed by shooting in Slutsk.

In 1932 Protopriest Feofan Shemetillo was arrested and sentenced to 10 years. He didn’t return.

In 1932 the church in honour of Holy Apostle John was demolished and removed to the village of Kulaki where it was converted into a club. Saint Nicolas church in the center of Starobin was also converted into a club. In 1982 this club burned down.

In August 1989 the faithful of Starobin addressed Metropolitan Filaret to bless the institution of the congregation.

On November 25, 1990 the leading Protopriest Mikhail Veigo with the concelebrating Priest Leonid Plyats performed the consecration of the building which was converted into a church. It is designed in the shape of a cross with a dome. There is a chapel for baptizing in the yard.

In 1992 Priest Gennadiy Mogilevets began to lead the congregation which now includes 12 more villages.

A church in honour of Holy Apostle John was once built in the settlement of Starobin. In 1876 it was removed from the church cemetery to Podbrody. In1932 the church was demolished and brought to the village of Kulaki where it was converted into a club. The church in honour of Saint Nicolas Wonderworker in Starobin was also converted into a club. In1982 this club burnt down.

On November 3, 1994 with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Filaret a congregation in honour of Holy Apostle John was registered in Starobin.

In June 2006 he led the Procession with the Cross to the place of building a new permanent church. The Cross was erected in the centre of Starobin to represent the parishioners’ desire to build a church.

Translated by Svetlana Gurinovich
Категория: Свято-Иоанно-Богословский приход г.п. Старобин | Добавил: Елена (10.11.2010)
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