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Вера. Люди. История

Главная » Статьи » Православные приходы » Спасо-Преображенский приход с. Краснодворцы


As it was mentioned in the XVII-XVIII centuries, the congregation in honour of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God in the village of Zavshitsy included the church of the Holy Transfiguration in the village of Krasnodvortsy built in 1791.

 In 1861 the church in Zavshitsy burnt from the strike of a lightning but a wooden church from the Slutsk monastery was brought there instead.

There were 2853 parishioners who kept parish schools in Zavshitsy, Krivichi and Krasnodvortsy.

In 1920 priest Mikhail Sulkovskiy serving in the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God was awarded a calotte.  The same year he was arrested and Protopriest Nikolai Leshkevich, born in 1886, began his serving there.  In 1934 the church was closed and Father Nikolai began serving in the church in honour of Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Krivichi.

In 1935 the church was closed and a club was made in it. Protopriest Nikolai had to move to Krasnodvortsy but the church there was also closed and converted into a club. Father Nikolai tried to defend the church with the help of the parishioners who protested against the closure of the church. On the 7th of May 1935 he was arrested and sentenced to 10 years. He didn’t return.

During the war the church in Krasnodvortsy was opened and priests from other churches came to serve Divine Liturgies. In 1949 the church marked its 380th anniversary. It was ordered that the church should be closed. But it was ruined only in 1960. Priest Zakhariy Petrov defended the church to the last, when it became impossible, he gave the sacred objects out to the faithful to keep them at home.

In 1993 the meeting of the faithful blessed by His Eminence Metropolitan Filaret was held in Krasnodvortsy. It was led by Protopriest Nikolai Rozov. The orthodox congregation was registered and priest Vladimir Maximovich was appointed to lead the congregation.   In 1994 the construction of the church of the Holy Transfiguration started due to the charitable endowments of the Aviation Committee of the Republic of Belarus. In 1999 the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the church.

On the 18th of March 2002 the Great Consecration of the Holy Transfiguration church was performed by His Eminence Metropolitan Filaret. There are 17 more villages in Soligorsk district making up the congregation. 

Translated by Irina Zakharchenko
Категория: Спасо-Преображенский приход с. Краснодворцы | Добавил: Елена (14.11.2010)
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